• v.1

    with the showcase coming up, i’ve been ignoring this blog to fill my sketchbook with desperate project ideas. it’s been a process. i’ve built a few prototypes to 50% but haven’t been satisfied yet.

    this evening (less than two days before the showcase) i finally had an idea that stuck. i’m writing from the subway home after building the enclosure and v1 of the software:

    the project is called depression. i’m excited to write more about it soon!

  • Telepresence Manifesto (2018 redux)

    today in critical theory, we read and discussed a few “manifestos for the internet age”. i’ve got a cold so i called in; when the class broke out to create their own manifestos, i decided to write a “telepresence manifesto” from my sniffly blanket fort.

    turns out marvin minsky beat me to it. for context: minsky, who said “i don’t think there is any such thing” regarding human consciousness, co-founded MIT’s AI laboratory. MIT has a long history of military research; in recent years, its public focus has shifted to military robots, drones, and battle suits.

    his manifesto creeps me out. i changed “hands” to “drones” to emphasize why. Edits left as strikethroughs; emphasis my own.

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